3 Reasons to Market Your Online Course Using YouTube?

In today's digital age, online courses have become a popular way to share knowledge and expertise. However, creating a great course is only half the battle; you also need an effective marketing strategy to reach your target audience. In this blog post, we're going to explore how to leverage YouTube to market your online course successfully. We'll discuss three compelling reasons why YouTube is one of the best platforms for promoting your course.

3 Reasons to Use YouTube for Your Course Marketing

Reason #1: YouTube is Searchable

One of the most significant advantages of using YouTube for marketing your online course is its searchability. When users are looking for information or tutorials, they often turn to YouTube as their go-to source. 

Let's take our YouTube channel as an example. In the past, we tried pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to sell online courses but ended up wasting tens of thousands of dollars with no return on investment. 

This is where YouTube shines—every video you create brings you organic traffic. Even if you invest in video production, thumbnails, and promotion, these videos can live on the internet for years, continuously promoting your course and bringing you leads and sales. 

Graham Cochran emphasizes that every piece of content you create is like an employee selling for you. In essence, YouTube videos are valuable assets that work around the clock to attract potential students to your online course.

Reason #2. Intentional Learning

People visit YouTube primarily for two reasons: entertainment and learning. When users land on your YouTube video, they are already in a learning mindset, actively seeking information and solutions. 

Here's why this is crucial for your course marketing strategy:

Intent to Learn

YouTube users are ready to learn and absorb new knowledge. If your video provides exceptional value and effectively teaches the subject they're interested in, they are more likely to take the next step—signing up for your freebie or masterclass.

In-line with Intent

Unlike PPC, where intentions can be uncertain, YouTube aligns perfectly with the viewers' intentions. For instance, someone searching for "best LMS for online training and development" is an ideal lead. When they discover your free training relevant to their search, they are more likely to engage with your course offerings.

Reason #3: Building Personal Connections

Selling online courses isn't just about presenting information; it's about establishing trust and building relationships with your audience. YouTube provides a unique opportunity for your potential learners to get to know you on a personal level.

Through YouTube videos, viewers get to hear your voice, see your energy, and understand who you are. This virtual interaction can lead to a deeper connection, fostering trust and credibility.

Take Graham Cochran, for example. When we first found his YouTube video on Kajabi, we subscribed to his channel. Over the course of a year, we got to know him better through his content and eventually purchased his online course. YouTube allowed us to establish a personal connection with him before making a buying decision.


In the world of online course marketing, YouTube stands out as a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits. It's searchable, aligns with viewers' intentions to learn, and enables you to build meaningful connections with your audience. So, if you're wondering how to market your online course effectively, consider leveraging the potential of YouTube to reach and engage with your target audience.

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