How to Use eLearning For Employee Onboarding & Hiring Process

Companies are always looking to streamline their hiring and training processes. You may not realize it, but eLearning for employee onboarding can be a powerful tool. When used correctly, eLearning lets you automate several crucial parts of the hiring process, saving you time and reducing stress for you, your hiring team, and your new employees. 

Systemize Finding and Hiring Talent

To start, eLearning can help you by systemizing the process of finding and hiring talent. To maximize this feature, create an eLearning program that outlines what your team has to do during this process. All they need to do is look at the eLearning program and complete the specific module that relates to their tasks. 

This works well for training your team to conduct interviews and navigate the hiring process. eLearning also makes it easy for your team to refresh their memory on what to do if they are first-time interviewers or if it’s been a while since their last interview. 

The goal is to ensure that your recruitment team knows what to do in terms of finding, interviewing, and hiring talent. eLearning equips them and saves time for everyone on the team. They won’t have to interrupt you or another member of the team to ask questions, as they can consult the relevant eLearning modules. 

Streamline Onboarding 

You can also use eLearning to streamline employee onboarding. For this, you turn the onboarding process into an eLearning course with interactive steps that help new employees navigate their first few months in your company. 

Your trainers will appreciate that they won’t have to repeat the same lessons to each new batch of employees. Since the new employees can find answers to questions themselves, this saves time for everyone on your team. 

Meanwhile, employees will appreciate the independence they get from the course. They will feel empowered to find the answers on their own but still know they can reach out for any questions. 

Preserve Tribal Knowledge

Finally, use eLearning as a way to preserve tribal knowledge, which has been accumulated by your long-time employees. If they leave the company, eLearning ensures you don’t lose that valuable knowledge and start from scratch with each new set of employees.

You preserve tribal knowledge by encouraging your established employees to put their knowledge into eLearning. This way, you can easily incorporate it into the new employee training and onboarding. For example, an employee with a crucial role in the hiring and interviewing process can preserve their knowledge in eLearning courses. 


Harness the power of eLearning for employee onboarding and hiring process and improve the experience of everyone involved. Those who conduct interviews and handle recruitment and hiring can learn what to do or refresh their memory with an eLearning course or module. You can equip new employees via e-Learning instead of having your trainers repeatedly give the same onboarding training. You can also preserve the tribal knowledge of your longest-employed team members in eLearning courses. This ensures you don’t lose this valuable knowledge when your employees move on from your company.

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