Kajabi vs Clickfunnels 2.0: Which One is Best for You?

If you asked us a year ago, which platform is best: Kajabi or Clickfunnels 1.0, we would definitely tell you – Kajabi. It includes everything you need to run your online business – from website builder to course hosting to email automations.

But recently Clickfunnels got jealous of Kajabi’s success and modified their product to be so much more than just a sales funnel platform. So, in this blog post, we’ll compare Clickfunnels 2.0 and Kajabi so that you know if it’s worth switching.

Clickfunnels 2.0 vs. Kajabi: Comprehensive Comparison

Kajabi: Business Management System

Let’s get this out of the way. Kajabi is more than just an LMS; it's a complete business management system designed to streamline the process of creating, hosting, and selling online courses. 

Some of the core features of Kajabi include: 

#1. Course Creation

With Kajabi, you can easily create and customize your courses with features like video lessons, audio files, assessments, written content, and downloadable files. Whether you're offering paid memberships or free courses, Kajabi provides the tools you need to deliver high-quality content to your audience.

#2. Course Sequencing

Kajabi organizes your course content into modules, sub-modules, and lessons, allowing you to create a structured learning experience for your students. You can easily sequence your content to guide learners through the material in a logical order.

#3. Course Delivery

One of the standout features of Kajabi is its user-friendly interface, making it easy for learners to access your courses with a simple login. Additionally, Kajabi collects valuable data on user engagement, revenue, subscriptions, and more, empowering you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your course offerings.

But Kajabi is so much more than a course creation platform. It has a website builder, marketing automation features, podcast hosting, analytics and so much more. It literally saves us thousands of dollars every month

Clickfunnels: Sales Funnel Platform

While Clickfunnels is primarily known for its sales funnel capabilities, Clickfunnels 2.0 also offers a range of features for creating and selling online courses. 

Here's what Clickfunnels 2.0 has to offer:

#1. Sales Funnels

Clickfunnels specializes in building high-converting sales funnels, allowing you to create landing pages, sales pages, upsell sequences, and more to maximize your revenue potential.

#2. Membership Sites

With Clickfunnels' membership site functionality, you can create gated content areas for your course materials, managing access levels and membership subscriptions seamlessly.

#3. Integration

Clickfunnels integrates with a variety of third-party tools and services, enabling you to connect your course platform with email marketing software, payment gateways, and other essential business tools.

#4. Analytics

Similar to Kajabi, Clickfunnels provides robust analytics and reporting features to track the performance of your sales funnels and course offerings, giving you insights into conversion rates, revenue generation, and customer behavior.

Choosing the Right Platform for You

Both Kajabi and Clickfunnels offer powerful features for creating and selling online courses, but the best choice for you depends on your specific needs and goals. 

If you're looking for a comprehensive business management system with advanced course creation and delivery capabilities, Kajabi may be the ideal solution. 

On the other hand, if you prioritize sales funnel optimization and integration with existing marketing tools, Clickfunnels could be the right fit.

Before making a decision, consider factors such as pricing, ease of use, customization options, and scalability to ensure that you select the platform that aligns with your business objectives. 

And remember, regardless of which platform you choose, success ultimately comes down to creating valuable content and engaging with your audience effectively.


Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to monetize your expertise or a business owner aiming to train your team effectively, investing in the right learning management system is crucial for long-term success. By comparing the features and functionalities of platforms like Kajabi and Clickfunnels, you can make an informed decision that supports your goals and drives results.

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