The Impact of Education on Life Decisions: How Does Education Shape a Person And Society?

There is little doubt education is very important to a happy, healthy life. But there is less agreement on just how access to the right education can shape your future. There is a need to have better schools and access to eLearning so that people make better decisions every day and have equitable access to education. 

How does education shape a person? It’s obvious that our level of education impacts our life decisions, but in what ways? Daniel Rumley, Founder of Village Demand, says that access to education can influence what you know and do about the most basic things, such as food, water, and energy. 

How Does Education Shape a Person?

It Starts With the Food We Eat 

One of the key fundamentals to a quality life is learning about the right foods to eat. This is critical to our health, longevity, and mindset. If you don’t have access to whole foods, leading a healthy lifestyle will be difficult. These principles need to be taught at an early age. It is easy for adults to slip into just grabbing a burger at a fast-food place. But once they understand the importance of quality, whole foods, this becomes a less appealing option. 

Many children leave the school system thinking food comes from the grocery store. They don’t understand ingredients, what whole foods mean, where food actually comes from, and how it affects our health. Many places worldwide don’t have universal access to education, meaning people are left making life-altering decisions without understanding the consequences. 

Importance of Preserving Water Sources

Education doesn’t just affect the lives of individuals, but it impacts society at large. How does education shape society? We influence society when we teach children about being a responsible part of the environment. 

Without clean water, there is no quality nutrition, and there is no life. Polluting the water in our lakes and streams leads to serious problems. Thus, teaching kids to be good stewards of the environment is critical for the future of our water table.

The Need to Conserve Energy 

The last element that is crucial to shaping the person and society is energy. The more we learn about energy, the better we understand its effect on everything around us. Food that travels across the country to get to us is a waste of energy. Moreover, it is less nutritious. It’s important to learn how to conserve energy at home and work, not just rely on alternative energy sources. 

Learning to buy local, eat local, and conserve energy are all important skills that need to be taught at home and in schools, but they don’t get enough attention. Teaching more about these key elements allows people to understand and respect themselves better. 

Most people aren’t educated about just how important food, water, and energy are. More than that, many leave control of the quality of these items up to other people, organizations, and government entities instead of taking charge of what they consume. 


Universal access to education is critical for improving our future. Ensuring everyone has access to the same education, regardless of where they live, is what eLearning is about. With a better idea of how education shapes society, this becomes clearer.

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