Two Crucial Aspects to Building the Best eLearning Team

One of the most important steps to developing your eLearning program is building an eLearning team. The team that you choose will set you up on the path for success or make it more challenging to deliver value to your learners. 


Why Your eLearning Development Team Matters


Before getting into how to build your eLearning development team, make sure you understand the importance of choosing a solid team. Simply put, when you have a good team, they will be able to work efficiently and effectively. This will ensure a less stressful work environment and even help you save time and money. A good eLearning team structure and team members will make it easier to achieve your goals. 


With that in mind, there are two crucial aspects to building an eLearning team. 

The 90-10 Rule


If you have heard of the 80-20 rule, the 90-10 rule is similar but it holds you to a higher standard. There is also an even higher standard of it called the 99-1 rule, but that simply is not practical. It takes too much time to build a team that follows that rule. 


The 90-10 rule means that 90% of team members, employees, and contractors will be average or slightly above average at best. Many of them will be below average. So, you need to focus on finding the 10% that is well above average. These are the absolute best members of your team. 


Essentially, the 90-10 rule means that for every 10 organizations or people that you talk with, just one is worthy of working with. These are the people who will bring the most value to your team. In fact, this top 10% tends to create 90% of the successful eLearning results. 


How to Use It 


To use this rule when filling eLearning team roles, you want to carefully evaluate who you work with. Do not just onboard the first person you interact with who seems like an okay fit. Talk to at least ten people then choose the best of the bunch. This will give you a team made up of that top 10%. 




Once you have your eLearning development team, each team member has to be accountable. But they can only be accountable if you are accountable as well. 


How to Use It


To provide that accountability, create clear goals for your team. But don’t just set the goals; make the reasons for them clear. 


For example, don’t just say your goal is to develop the eLearning program in 30 days. Say that this is your goal and make it clear that this maximizes its value for learners. That, in turn, lets you make money or save money, depending on how you use the eLearning program. 




As you find people to fill your eLearning team roles, remember the 90-10 rule. You want to work with the top 10% of people in terms of talent or performance, so talk to ten people before choosing the best one to add to your team. Then, outline clear goals and the reasons behind them. This gives you accountability, allowing your team to practice accountability as well. 


With this combination, you should have a solid eLearning team structure that will set your program up for efficient and successful development.

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