How Much Does Professional Video Production Actually Cost?

Do you ever feel frustrated when looking for pricing on a website, but it's nowhere to be found? For some strange reason, to figure out how much professional video production costs, you need to have an hour-long call with a company representative who will make estimates (and not present you with a concrete number in the end!). Then, when you're already working with a company, you may discover on your invoice many other fees the company should have disclosed from the very beginning. It's frustrating, to say the least. 

As a video production company, we realize that it’s important for potential customers to know upfront how much video production costs, so our pricing for the Premium eLearning videos is transparently included on the page. But in case you’ve been wondering what determines the price of video production services, in this blog post, we will explore the key considerations that affect the price of producing a video. 

3 Factors That Determine How Much Video Production Companies Charge For a Video: 

Photo: Hector in our studio. 

Factor #1: Purpose of the Videos

Most video production companies create various videos, including educational, marketing, sales, and even YouTube content. But each purpose of the video has different production requirements and associated costs. 

Marketing and sales videos tend to be the most expensive, often costing thousands of dollars for just a few seconds of content. It’s because they are highly creative and need to capture the attention of the viewer who is, most likely, not looking for this content. 

On the other hand, training and educational YouTube videos generally have lower production costs, with prices ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per hour of content. So, the purpose of video determines the production value: how much time and recourses the company needs to invest in creating the video, from ideation to scripting to filming and editing. 

Related Read: Training Video Production: Your Ultimate Guide

Factor #2: Length of the Videos

The length of a video plays a significant role in determining its cost. Marketing and sales videos are typically shorter, but their condensed format often requires more editing hours, making them more expensive. Conversely, training and YouTube videos benefit from shorter, more focused content, known as micro-learning. By keeping videos concise and engaging, production costs can be significantly reduced.

Related Read: Why You Should Choose a Specialized Corporate Training Video Production Company

Factor #3: Type of Production

Another factor influencing video production costs is the type of production, such as on-site or studio shoots. Companies may charge more for on-site shoots due to location expenses, while studios can incur higher costs for rental and equipment. Moreover, the level of involvement required from the production company throughout the process, including pre-production, production, and post-production, can affect the overall cost. Specialized video production companies that focus on training, educational and eLearning videos often offer streamlined processes and competitive pricing.

Related Read: Should You Get a Professional Studio Video Shoot for Your Course Content?

How to Hire a Video Production Company? 

#1: Search based on specialization

If your primary need is training or YouTube videos, seek out companies specializing in these areas. They are more likely to offer competitive pricing and efficient production processes tailored to your requirements.

Oftentimes, companies that don’t specialize in a specific area will overprice the service to be on the safe side. They also won’t know the intricacies of the video type you are looking to create and won’t be helpful in answering questions such as “What LMS should you pick for your eLearning program?

#2: Consider the location

The location of the video production company can impact the overall cost. Localized rates may vary significantly, with major cities generally commanding higher prices. Exploring options in different locations can help you find more affordable solutions.

#3: Seek straightforward pricing

Transparent and straightforward pricing is essential when evaluating video production companies. Look for companies that offer pricing based on the duration of content or specific package details. This will help you better understand what you are paying for and avoid unexpected expenses.


Determining the cost of video production involves several key factors that should not be overlooked. By considering the purpose of the videos, the length of the content, and the type of production, you can make informed decisions, confidently navigate the world of video production, and hire a company that aligns perfectly with your needs and budget.

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