How to Build a Sales Funnel in Kajabi?

Kajabi is one of our favorite tools for building and marketing eLearning courses because it lets you do everything in one place. Not only is Kajabi where your course is found, but the ability to house all aspects of your marketing in a single platform is incredibly convenient. It ensures everything works together perfectly. One of Kajabi’s most useful functions is creating sales funnels called Pipelines, especially for anyone looking to sell their course. 

What Is a Kajabi’s Sales Funnel or Pipeline? 

Kajabi uses the term “pipeline” for what most people traditionally refer to as a sales funnel. The sales funnel or pipeline refers to the various touchpoints with potential customers before they become learners. Kajabi says the goal of the Pipelines is to simplify the relationship between marketing automation and sales. It connects email campaigns, landing pages, events, tags, and more. 

To create a Kajabi sales funnel or a Pipeline, follow these steps: 

Step #1. Find Pipelines in the Marketing Tab

Unsurprisingly, you can find the Pipeline functionality under the marketing tab when logged into Kajabi. For reference, other things you will see here include forms, events, automation, and email campaigns. 

Step #2. Use Templates or a Blank Pipeline to Create Your Pipeline

When you click on the pipeline section, you will notice that you can use one of the pre-built templates for a specific purpose or create your own pipeline from scratch. If you are new to this type of marketing, consider starting with the templates. As you get the hang of it and gain more experience, you can enjoy the flexibility of a blank template. Conveniently, Kajabi includes a quick video describing each of the pipeline templates. This will help you figure out which one to use. 

The Freebie Template

One of our favorites is the Freebie Pipeline. We’ll use it as an example. When you click on the freebie, you will get an opt-in graphic and a landing page with a form. It also features an arrow pointing to an email and another arrow that points to a “thank you” page. Just fill out the various fields, and you’re all set. The blueprint will let you easily offer freebies, like access to a masterclass or downloads, when they sign up using their email. 

Importantly, the Freebie Pipeline gives you the email addresses of prospects in exchange for the freebie. Getting access to your prospects’ email addresses will prove useful for growing your business. If you rely on a social media platform to reach customers, you’ll be at a loss if they change their algorithms. 

The Freebie Pipeline template on Kajabi automatically sends a “thank you” email, which will offer the freebie. Still, you are given the option of creating a sequence with as many emails as you want. Remember that email marketing enables you to keep marketing to your leads. 

Step #3. Maximize the “Thank You” Page

As a pro-tip, when setting up the “thank you” page for this pipeline, it’s best to maximize it. Apart from using it to provide a download of the promised freebie, you can even offer an additional freebie or sell another product while you’re at it.

That’s how you set up the Kajabi sales funnel. It’s really that easy. If you would like to get your 30-day free trial (instead of 14-day), use this link.  


Kajabi offers amazing functionality for anyone looking to create and sell their online courses. Kajabi sales funnels are called Pipelines. You can create a pipeline from scratch with the blank template or use and maximize an existing one, like the Freebie Template. 

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