How to Market a Course? Top 5 SEO Tactics & Tools

Learning how to market a training course takes a lot of skill and effort. Social media, email marketing, SEO, content marketing, and influencer marketing are just some of the many strategies you can use to market and sell your course. 

SEO or search engine optimization is a cornerstone of any quality internet marketing campaign because it helps you to get organic traffic to your website, blog, or YouTube channel. Because it’s organic, the only associated cost is the cost of producing content and optimizing it for search. Keep reading to learn tips on how to market a course with SEO and the tools we recommend you use to get there. 

How to Market a Course with SEO? Content Marketing

Content is extremely important when learning how to market a training course with SEO. You need to understand your target audience and their problems and the keywords they are using to search for the solutions. Then, you create a content strategy around those keywords and optimize the pieces of content you publish on your website. 

Of course, content marketing is more complex than just stuffing keywords in the articles you create. There are various types of content you can create to build relationships with your audience, such as podcasts, videos, ebooks, email newsletters, and more. All of this content can be optimized for search, whether it’s the surrounding video text or a landing page created specifically to promote the ebook. 

Below are several tools for SEO that we use and recommend. 

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#1. Semrush

SEM stands for search engine marketing, which is technically a term for gaining lead generation through your online presence. With Semrush, you can set up a free trial, and you, with a little research, can get keywords to create your content around. 

Semrush is many tools in one. The magic keyword tool helps you generate a list of relevant keywords for your niche that have high searches but low competition. The keywords you choose to target should depend on your website’s domain authority. The higher the domain authority of your website, the more competitive keywords you can target. 

For most companies, a few hundred searches for a term with a competition score of less than thirty is an ideal target. Content built around these terms will really help market your online learning course. 

#2. VidIQ

VidIQ is an SEO tool specifically designed for video use. Many companies have learned the benefits of using YouTube when marketing their courses. Utilizing SEO on your YouTube channel is an important way to get the relevant audience to discover your content. 

VidIQ plugs seamlessly into your YouTube channel. When you log in, all your data for competition, searches, and other metrics will integrate easily. Utilize these tools to create more relevant content for your audience. VidIQ will give you a score for each keyword indicating which keywords are best to target in your content. YouTube is a major source for lead generation and is owned by Google, so there is a chance your videos will also show up at the top of the search results for target keywords. 

#3. Moz

Moz does not only offer an SEO tool but also has great lessons on SEO inside their Moz Academy. Understanding the fundamentals of SEO is key and can be hard to learn on the go. MOZ has free guides for learning about SEO fundamentals. 


Even newly launched eLearning courses can benefit from press releases sent to the right sites. Press releases get distributed onto many news sites, such as Yahoo Business, NBC, ABC, Fox News, Yahoo Finance, and local websites. These are great tools to show the credibility of your company and announce the launch of your course. 

Related Read: Webinar Sales Funnel: Sell More with Webinars

The Bottom Line

To market your online course successfully, utilize evergreen strategies such as SEO. Use the above strategies and tools to gain organic traffic to your website and generate leads for your course. Optimizing your content with relevant keywords will help your prospective clients find you easier and benefit from the great digital product you’ve created for them. 

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