#007 When Banks Won't Work With You: Growing a Brand Amidst Stigma with Priyanka and Pulak Sharma

In this episode, we dive into the entrepreneurial journey of a couple Dr. Priyanka Sharma and Pulak Sharma, co-founders of Kazmira,  a Colorado-based company specializing in large-scale production of botanical extracts from industrial hemp. As pioneers, Sharmas had to overcome regulatory uncertainties and financial challenges on their way of growing Kazmira into one of the leading players in the industry. Listen to the episode for outside of the box solutions and inspiring stories of overcoming lack of financing in one of the most stigmatized industries in the U.S.

Learn more about Kazmira and Dr. Diol:

In this episode:

[00:00] From Ph.D. and a successful career to starting a business with no way back.

[03:55] Sleep challenges turned into profits.

[06:20] The early days: running a factory as a couple during the CBD "gold rush."

[10:00] Hemp, marijuana, cannabis, CBD, and THC confusion.

[14:02] One-sided research around the "demonized" hemp.

[15:00] Marketing in the shadows: overcoming lack of FDA regulations.

[19:15] Entrepreneurs-missionaries vs. mercenaries.

[21:00] The best day for Sharmas that transformed their mission.

[28:02] Cannabinoids in supermarkets as products of virtue.


The episode is sponsored by eLearning Partners – a top-rated training video production company based in Denver, Colorado. 

eLearning Simplified Academy:

YouTube $2K Blueprint:

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