3 Mind-Blowing Trends for Micro Training Videos: The Future is Here!

The pandemic created a surge in eLearning and a need for better tools to facilitate the journey. More and more people are signing up for the variety of eLearning programs that are available online. These programs use a range of tools to reach their students and provide a quality learning experience. One of these tools is training video

The best way to create an engaging video is to stay on top of each trend micro training videos currently have. We’ve gathered three of the most important. 

What Are The 3 Trends for Micro Training Videos? 

#1. User-Generated Training Videos

Learner-generated videos are becoming more and more popular. If you aren’t familiar with the term user-generated-content (UGC), it’s content created by product users sharing their feedback and experience with the product. Many of these are widely used in social media advertising or on company websites to demonstrate the social proof. The same concept can be applied to eLearning. 

Videos generated by Learners are micro-learning sessions that are uploaded by individual users to the Learning Management System. These videos save your company money because of their production process – there is no involvement on your part. People are recording these videos everywhere, all the time, and you should take advantage of them for your eLearning program or a course. 

Whether it is something as simple as a nail trim on a dog or as complex as doing landscaping, a short video is just the ticket to conveying the details. We are sure to see more of these videos in the future.

#2. Virtual Reality and 360 Videos

These educational videos are unique because they simulate the reality of what a professional may be doing. For instance, these videos can show you what a surgeon does during a medical procedure or what a pilot does when landing a plane. This makes on-the-job training look completely different for future generations of medical professionals, pilots, and even manufacturers. Countless lives can be saved with VR and siumlated training environments. 

VR is one of the fastest growing trends for micro training videos. It’s because people are fascinated by technology. But don’t get it fool you – focus on your Learners and solve their pain points first, before investing in all of the bells and whistles. 

#3. Interactive Videos

Another video trend is the two-way or interactive video. This is when your viewers can respond to your training videos and even add user-generated content. When a user or student watches your video, they have the opportunity to add a response. Often these are video responses, and this creates an entire interaction. We use VideoAsk for our interactive videos. 


Regardless of the direction your eLearning program is taking, you can enhance your program with these micro training video trends. Learner-generated content, VR and 360 video and interactive videos are here to stay for the next decade and are worth the consideration when creating your course or training. 

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