3 Best Ways to Use Kajabi Tags & Automation to Market Your Business

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we run our entire business in Kajabi. Over the years, we’ve gotten really good at utilizing this LMS. One of the best features of Kajabi is the seamless automation process. Instead of using different softwares and connecting them to Zapier, you can set up all of your tagging, email sequences, funnels and opt-ins inside Kajabi.

In this guide, we'll show you how you can use tags and automations for seamless marketing automation. 

Related Read: Is Kajabi Worth It? We’ve Created a Course In Kajabi, And Here is What We Found

Leveraging Tags for Marketing Automation

What are Kajabi Tags?

Before we delve into the practical applications, let's quickly explain what we mean by “Kajabi tags.” Tags in Kajabi are essentially labels that you can assign to contacts, allowing you to categorize and organize them based on specific criteria. Think of tags as virtual sticky notes that help you group your contacts according to their behaviors, interests, or journey stage within your business.

How to Create Tags in Kajabi?

Creating tags in Kajabi is a straightforward process. Here's a quick walkthrough:

  • Log in to your Kajabi dashboard.
  • Navigate to Contacts: Go to the Contacts section in the dashboard.
  • Access Tag Management: Click on "Manage Tags" to access the tag management interface.
  • Add a New Tag: Select "Add Tag" and give your tag a name.
  • Save Your Tag: Once you've named your tag, hit "Save" to create it.

With your tags set up, you're now ready to explore the myriad ways you can use them to automate your business processes and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Related Read: Kajabi for Online Courses: How to Build and Sell Your Online Courses with Kajabi

Leveraging Tags for Marketing Automation

#1. Streamlining Email Sequences

One of the most powerful ways to use tags in Kajabi is to automate email sequences. By assigning tags to contacts based on their interactions or journey stage, you can ensure they receive tailored communication that resonates with their needs. 

For example, you can use tags to:

  • Add or remove contacts from specific email sequences.
  • Ensure that contacts don't receive conflicting or redundant emails.
  • Customize email content based on the recipient's interests or engagement level.

#2. Tracking Customer Progression

Tags can also serve as markers of customer progression within your ecosystem. 

Whether someone completes a course, achieves a milestone, or expresses interest in a particular topic, you can use tags to:

  • Identify customers who have completed specific products or courses.
  • Segment your audience based on their interests or engagement history.
  • Personalize your marketing messages to nurture leads or encourage repeat purchases.

#3. Managing Sales Processes

For service-based businesses, Kajabi tags offer invaluable insights into the sales pipeline and customer relationships. 

You can use tags to:

  • Track the progress of leads through different stages of the sales cycle.
  • Assign lead scores or ratings based on their level of engagement or readiness to purchase.
  • Customize outreach efforts and follow-up strategies to maximize conversion rates.

Related Read: Kajabi Tutorial: How to Build a Website on Kajabi


In conclusion, Kajabi tags are a versatile tool that empowers you to automate tasks, personalize interactions, and optimize your marketing efforts. If you’d like to try Kajabi for 30 days to get a taste of these amazing features, use our link for an extended free trial. 

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