How to Use a Learning Management System (LMS)?

If you just purchased a Learning Management System (LMS), chances are, you’re wondering how to use it. And we’re here to help. Although many LMS work similarly, there’re fundamental differences between internally-facing LMS and externally-facing LMS due to their different purposes and functionalities. So here, we’ll go over how to use TalentCards (internal LMS) and Kajabi (external LMS) so you can see the difference. 

How to Use LMS: The Basics

First, let’s go over some fundamentals. LMS performs four fundamental tasks:

  • Hosting Your Course: This is where your content resides.
  • Sequencing Your Course: Structuring your content into modules, sub-modules, and lessons.
  • Delivering Your Course: Providing an accessible interface for learners.
  • Collecting Data: Gathering valuable insights on user engagement, revenue, and more.

Now, let's explore how Kajabi and Talent Cards handle these key aspects.

Kajabi: Your All-in-One Business Management System

Hosting Your Course

Kajabi goes beyond being just an LMS; it's a comprehensive business management system. To host your course, navigate to the "Products" section and create a new course, customize details like course title, and set it as free or paid.

Sequencing Your Course

Kajabi simplifies course sequencing with a modular approach. You can add modules, sub-modules, and lessons. You can also customize each element, including videos, audio, assessments, and downloadable files.

Delivering Your Course

The user experience is seamless for learners. Upon login, learners access the course content in a structured sequence. Kajabi provides customization options for the course interface.

Collecting Data

Kajabi's data collection goes beyond learner progress. You can monitor revenue, subscription metrics, opt-ins, and more. You can also access insights on product progress, offers sold, affiliates, and overall engagement.

Additionally, as an external-facing LMS, Kajabi offers an array of features to help you market and sell your online course. 

Related Read: 

Talent Cards: Mobile-First Learning Experience

Hosting Your Course

TalentCards presents courses as card sets. You can create a new card set, similar to creating a course. After you do so, you can customize details like name, description, and tags.

Sequencing Your Course

Course sequencing is card-based. You can arrange cards to dictate the order of content consumption. Talent Cards follow a mobile-first design philosophy.

Delivering Your Course

Talent Cards prioritize a mobile-friendly approach as Learners engage with content in a card format. Modules and milestones are presented as card sets, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience.

Collecting Data

Talent Cards offers robust reporting capabilities. You can access engagement metrics and completion rates. You can download detailed reports or visually appealing infographics for comprehensive insights.

Related Read: 

Conclusion: Elevate Your Course Creation with LMS

As you can see, the answer to the questions “How to use LMS” really depends on the technology you’re planning on using. You can find detailed videos reviewing the most popular and recommended LMS on our YouTube channel. 

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