Building the Best Sales Funnel for Your Online Course

Selling your online course can be a daunting task, but with the right sales funnel, you can increase your chances of success. By the way, when we say “online course sales funnel,” we aren’t talking about shady funnels that try to manipulate people into buying what they don’t need. Our sales funnel is based on providing educational resources to an audience that’s already looking for solutions our course solves. So, in this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of creating an effective sales funnel for your online course. 

Why Do You Need an Online Course Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a series of steps that guide potential customers from awareness to purchase. It helps you nurture leads, build trust, and ultimately convert them into paying customers. 

The best tool we’ve found for building a sales funnel is Kajabi. We love it because Kajabi saves us thousands of dollars by providing everything we need in one place – a website builder, email marketing, online course hosting, payment processing, landing pages, and so much more. 

Claim Your 30-Day Free Trial

As a special gift, we offer a 30-day free trial of Kajabi, which is typically a 14-day trial. Take advantage of this extended trial period and discover how Kajabi can supercharge your online course business.

Related Read: How to Build a Sales Funnel in Kajabi?

The components of an effective sales funnel for your online course

#1. The Freebie: Grabbing Attention

Your sales funnel begins with a freebie – something valuable that you offer to your potential customers in exchange for their email addresses. It could be a free master class, a downloadable guide, or a workshop. The key is to provide high-value content that addresses your audience's pain points.

Related Read: How to Market a Course? Top 5 SEO Tactics & Tools

#2. Landing Pages: Directing Traffic

To capture email addresses, you need well-optimized landing pages. These pages should promote your freebie and encourage visitors to sign up. Make sure your landing pages are consistent with your brand and message. 

The benefit of hosting a website and landing pages in Kajabi is that your customers will have a smooth experience without a feeling that they are being taken away from the website and onto some shady page that looks nothing like the previous page. 

Related Read: The Power of an Effective Content Distribution Strategy For Selling Courses

#3. Email Sequence: Building Relationships

Once someone signs up for your freebie, they enter an email sequence. This is where the magic happens. Your email sequence should deliver value, provide solutions, and build trust. Over time, it guides leads toward your paid product.

#4. Sales Page: Presenting Your Offer

Your sales page is where you pitch your online course. It should include compelling testimonials, a clear value proposition, and information about what your course offers. Make sure you address who you are and why people should trust you.

#5. Checkout Pages: Offering Choices

Give your potential customers choices. Offer multiple versions of your course, such as a basic and premium option. This allows you to cater to different preferences and budgets.

#6. Thank You Page: Completing the Purchase

Once someone makes a purchase, the thank you page delivers access to your course. It's also an opportunity to present upsells or other related products.

Related Read: Kajabi Tutorial: How to Build a Website on Kajabi

#7. Nurture Sequence: Continuous Value

After the purchase, continue to provide value through a nurture sequence. Share insights, tips, and further content that keeps your customers engaged.

The Power of Evergreen Sequences

Many sales funnels are set up as "evergreen" sequences, meaning they operate continuously. This is different from traditional launches or promotions, which happen sporadically. An evergreen sequence ensures consistent sales rather than relying on periodic revenue spikes.


Building an effective sales funnel for your online course is a strategic process that requires planning, consistency, and the right tools, such as Kajabi (30-day free trial of Kajabi). By providing value at each stage of the funnel, nurturing leads, and continuously delivering high-quality content, you can increase your conversion rates and drive the success of your online course.

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