The Power of YouTube in Selling Online Courses

Developing an online course is one thing, but figuring out how to effectively market and sell it is another challenge altogether. From personal experience, we know the struggles all too well. When we launched our first online course, we tried social media, ads, SEO and every tactic that a digital marketing guru would teach us. As a result, we spent $150,000.00. Yep, we know. 

But the thousands of dollars we spent to market and sell our first course didn’t go to waste because eventually we discovered a highly effective strategy – selling online courses via YouTube. 

Today, we're excited to share with you a four-step process that can revolutionize your online course sales game.

Related Read: The Best Online Course Launch Strategy for Sustainable Growth

How To Sell Your Online Course with YouTube?

Step 1: Understand Searcher’s Intent

The key reason why YouTube is such a powerful tool for marketing your online course lies in understanding user intent. When people search something on YouTube, they are often seeking solutions or answers to their questions. 

Whether it's learning how to use a new software or do a headstand, video content is a preferred medium for many. By creating content that aligns with your target audience's intent, you're positioning yourself directly in front of potential buyers.

Step 2: Providing Free Incredible Value 

One common misconception is that if you share all of your proprietary information for free, people will not want to pay you for your course. 

However, our experience has shown that the opposite is true. By generously sharing your expertise and insights, you build trust and credibility with your audience. When viewers see the tangible benefits of your free content, they're more inclined to seek out additional resources from you. Thus, don't hold back – give away your best tips and strategies freely.

Step 3: Offering a Compelling Freebie

To effectively sell via YouTube, it's essential to offer a compelling freebie or lead magnet. This could be in the form of a free webinar, workshop, or in our case, a free Master Class.

 The goal is to provide additional value to your audience while subtly introducing them to the benefits of your paid offerings. By offering a high-quality freebie that addresses a specific pain point or desire, you're priming your audience for conversion.

Related Read: Building the Best Sales Funnel for Your Online Course

Step 4: Leveraging Evergreen Email Sequences

Once viewers opt-in for your freebie, it's crucial to nurture them through an evergreen email sequence. This automated series of emails serves to educate, engage, and ultimately, drive sales. 

Crafting compelling email content that resonates with your audience is key to maintaining their interest and guiding them towards your paid offerings. With an evergreen email sequence in place, you can effectively convert leads into paying customers, even while you sleep or vacation.


Selling online courses via YouTube is not just about creating content; it's about strategically guiding your audience through a journey of discovery and value. By understanding user intent, providing valuable content, offering compelling freebies, and leveraging automated email sequences, you can significantly increase your course sales and revenue.

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