Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency to Help Sell Your Online Course? Oct 15, 2022

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If you are selling an online course, the answer to “Should you hire a digital marketing agency?” depends on your situation. To get to this answer, you want to ask yourself three questions about what you already have. 

If you have all of these...

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How to Create Content Consistently (It’s Not What You Think) Oct 14, 2022

Creating and marketing an eLearning course requires a great deal of content creation. You have to create the content for your course and don’t necessarily want that process to take too long. But you will also need to create content consistently to market it. After all, you will market it...

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3 Best Ways to Brand Your Online Course or eLearning Program Oct 13, 2022

Whether you are selling your online course externally or need to market an eLearning program internally, you will have to work on branding, as it is a key part of marketing. Online course branding may seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to overthink things like the color choice. Instead,...

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eLearning Content Development: The Most Important Trends Oct 12, 2022

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Summary: Whether you create a course yourself or decide to hire one of the top eLearning content development companies, incorporating these trends will do wonders to improve your students' learning experience.

Utilize These Trends For...

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The Best Learning Management Systems with Content Libraries Oct 04, 2022

Many course creators find it convenient to have access to a content library. After all, this saves you the need to create that content from scratch. Conveniently, you can choose a learning management system (LMS) that has a content library built into it. We’ve rounded up our favorite LMS...

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The Best Online Course Creation Tools & Equipment Oct 03, 2022

When making an online course, you will have plenty of tools at your disposal. But which ones do you actually need? Learn about the best online course creation tools and equipment to make building your next course much easier.

#1. Lightboard

Lightboard is a physical tool for creating online...

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How to Generate Leads for Online Courses [3-Step Process] Sep 30, 2022

If you are making an online course to sell, then you need to know how to generate leads for online courses. After all, the point of an external course is to sell it, and you can’t do that without leads. Here, we will share a three-step process that lets you do just that.

Step 1: Create an...

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Top 5 Best eLearning Authoring Tools Sep 29, 2022

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When you are creating your eLearning program, it’s common to wonder how you will actually create the course. What authoring tool will you use? To make it easier for you to decide, we have gathered a list of the top 5 best eLearning authoring tools....

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5 Video Hosting Platforms for Online Courses Sep 29, 2022

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If you are creating an eLearning course, it will likely include videos. So, you need somewhere to host them. There are plenty of options, but which offers the best video hosting for online courses? We have gathered our top choices. 

Video Hosting...

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​​Training Video Production: Your Ultimate Guide By eLearning Partners in Denver corporate training elearning Sep 27, 2022

More and more companies choose to invest in training videos to onboard or teach their team members new skills. Videos are effective tools due to their higher engagement and flexibility. They also give you plenty of opportunities to incorporate branding and personalization. Here, eLearning...

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What Is SCORM and Do I Even Need It? Sep 26, 2022

You will hear a lot about SCORM when creating eLearning courses, but what is the meaning of SCORM? We’ll explain SCORM, what is it, and whether you need it.

A Brief History of SCORM

SCORM stands for Shareable Object Reference Model. It was first created in 2000. It was made to be a file...

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What Is an Authoring Tool? There Are 2 Types; Why Should You Care? Sep 23, 2022

As you start creating your eLearning course, you may find yourself wondering whether you need an authoring tool. But before you can decide, you need to understand what is an authoring tool.

What Is an Authoring Tool?

An authoring tool is a piece of technology that lets you create or author your...

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LearnWorlds Review: Is LearnWorlds Legit? Sep 22, 2022

When deciding what LMS to use, you may find yourself in search of a LearnWorlds review. We love LearnWorlds and regularly recommend it. Our LearnWorlds review covers several of the top features of the LMS.


To start, LearnWorlds has very competitive pricing. The monthly cost is $30 to...

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How Much Feedback Course Students Should Get? Sep 13, 2022

As you design your eLearning course, one of the big questions is how much feedback course students should get. This will depend on the value of your course and your level of automation, along with a few other factors. 

Understanding the Automation Scale 

One of the biggest factors in...

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How to Create Interactive Videos With VideoAsk Sep 12, 2022

Learning how to create an interactive video tutorial is incredibly useful for eLearning. Having your learners interact with you boosts engagement, and VideoAsk lets you do that with ease. You can also use VideoAsk’s interactive video recording for other uses, such as getting testimonial...

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How to Create a Video Training Course? Sep 10, 2022

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Creating a video training course is a doubting task for many. Where to even start? When you break the process of how to create video training courses into steps, it becomes much more manageable. In this article, we will walk you through five steps that...

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How to Create Videos Without Showing Your Face Sep 09, 2022

Not everyone who wants to create an eLearning course is comfortable showing their face on camera. That’s fine. You can be camera shy and still have a successful course. There are actually several types of videos to make without showing your face, and they all come down to a three-step...

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The Best Online Course Topics That Will Sell Sep 09, 2022

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You want to choose the best online course topics to make the most effective course and maximize your sales. But what are these? Some popular options that we consider low-hanging fruit are how to make money, how to live healthier, how to reduce stress, and how...

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How to Onboard Employees Remotely With eLearning? Sep 08, 2022

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If you have virtual employees, you will need a system to onboard remotely, and eLearning is a good solution. The best part is that you don’t have to invest a ton of money into this - you can make employee training videos practically for free


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How to Automate Your Online Course Business? Sep 07, 2022

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No matter the type of eLearning course you are creating, it is natural to want to learn how to automate your online course business. After all, automation is the key to efficiency. In this article, we will take you through automating each of the three...

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5 Ways to Leverage an Online Course for Your Business Sep 07, 2022

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Online courses are growing in popularity, but not all business owners realize that there are ways to leverage an online course for their business. In this article, we discuss five different ways to leverage online courses. 

Way #1. Sell It...

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How to Dress for Your Video Shoot? Sep 06, 2022

Once you decide on the content to include in your eLearning videos, you still have to decide what to wear. Many people are intimidated by how to dress for a video shoot. Follow these basic tips to be prepared and confident in front of the camera

Tip #1. Consider Location 

Start by...

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How Long Should My Online Course Be? Sep 05, 2022

When creating an eLearning course, one of the most common questions is how long should my online course be. There is no single answer, as it will depend on a lot of different factors. To decide how long to make your course, you want to consider three factors. 

#1. How Much Time You Have...

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LMS vs. Authoring Tools: What’s the Difference Sep 02, 2022

There are a lot of terms to understand in eLearning, including LMS and authoring tools. You will likely use at least one of these. But what’s the distinction between LMS vs. authoring tools? And how do you know which one to use? 

What an LMS Does

There are four main things that an LMS...

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