How to Create Coaching or Office Hours for My Online Course? Dec 22, 2022

One of the most common questions we get from first-time course creators is, “Should I have office hours for my online course?” To figure out whether you need office hours or coaching hours for your online courses, you should ask yourself three questions in this order.


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How to Build an eLearning Content Storyboard That Is Actually Worth Your Time Dec 15, 2022

One of the common questions about creating an eLearning course is whether you need a content storyboard and how to make one. For most people and courses, you don’t necessarily need a storyboard. In fact, traditional eLearning storyboards are not worth the time and effort you put into them....

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How to Develop eLearning Templates for Your Content Dec 09, 2022

Most course creators want to create eLearning courses at scale. But to do that, you will need to have templates. Learn how to develop those eLearning templates for your content without having to go out of your way to do so.

Step 1: Figure Out What Type of Content You Want to Build

Before you can...

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Is Investing in eLearning Virtual Reality Worth It? Dec 08, 2022

The rise of virtual reality has led many companies to wonder whether they should invest in eLearning virtual reality. To decide whether it’s worth it for your company, you want to consider a few things. 

Things to consider before investing in eLearning virtual reality

#1. The Size of...

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Augmented Reality In eLearning: Making eLearning More Accessible Dec 02, 2022

Augmented reality (AR) is expanding and affecting nearly every industry, including e-learning. It’s one of the most important trends in eLearning content development and is here to stay. 

In short, augmented reality is 25% digital reality and 75% existing reality, and there are three...

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Learning Experience Design vs Instructional Design: What’s The Difference? Dec 01, 2022

When it comes to creating e-learning courses, you may hear the terms “learning experience design” and “instructional design.” Here, we are doing a comparison between learning experience design vs instructional design so you can get clarity on which one you actually need...

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What Is an LXP (Learning Experience Platform)? Nov 25, 2022

When creating a course, you will likely need to use tools and software to build, host, and distribute your program. The most common software that does this is an LMS - Learning Management System. But there are also a few alternatives that offer additional benefits, such as LXP or a BMS. What is...

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How to Choose LMS (Learning Management System) The Right Way! Nov 24, 2022

There are hundreds of learning management systems available, so you have to figure out how to choose LMS programs that are right for you. We outline five crucial factors to consider when deciding which LMS is the best online course platform for your needs. 

Step #1. Internal Vs. External...

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How to Organize Content For Your eLearning Program or Online Course Nov 21, 2022

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The idea of organizing content into an e-learning program can seem overwhelming, especially if you have a lot of content you want to be included in your course. But with a few simple steps and a bonus pro tip, you will find this process to be pretty...

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Webinar Sales Funnel: Sell More with Webinars Nov 20, 2022

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TOP 5 Best Microlearning Platforms You Should be Using Nov 19, 2022

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Microlearning is the best way to keep your learners engaged. Luckily, there are plenty of platforms that make microlearning easy. We’ve gathered the best microlearning platforms, including options for both internal and external e-learning. 


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How to Fix an Online Course That Isn’t Selling Nov 18, 2022

The goal of creating an external course is to sell it. But what do you do if your online course isn’t selling? We suggest the following five tips if you’re wondering why online courses fail. You should also keep these in mind as you design your course and your marketing strategy, as...

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Learning Management System vs Next-Generation Digital Learning Environments Nov 17, 2022

When creating an eLearning course, you inevitably come across a term learning management system (LMS) which is a technology that hosts and distributes your course content. But what about the next-generation digital learning environment (NGDLE)? Let’s take a closer look at what the two...

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How to Structure Online Courses to Help Students Get Better Results Nov 11, 2022

The process of how structuring online courses is fairly straightforward when you think about it. You start from a higher level of organization and work your way down. The entire structure focuses on an A-to-Z journey for your learners. 

Step #1. Start With A-to-Z and the Learner...

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3 Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your eLearning Content Library Nov 10, 2022

Purchasing an eLearning content library can be an incredibly convenient way of amassing the content you need. Whether you buy an eLearning content library or take the time to create one yourself, you will need to know how to use it to get the best results. There are three main steps to get the...

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How to Reduce Employee Turnover With eLearning Nov 07, 2022

Most companies want to reduce employee turnover, but it is quite challenging. You can offer good benefits and compensation, but it’s not always enough to keep your employees happy and engaged. What if your employee moves? Or what if someone can offer them even better benefits? While you...

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5 Ways to Improve Student Comprehension to Help Them Get Better Results Nov 04, 2022

No matter what type of course you teach, you would always aim to maximize student comprehension. After all, your students need to understand what you are teaching to get the most value out of the course. But how can you improve student comprehension? 

#1. Give Action Work, Not Traditional...

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3 Reasons People Buy Courses Online Even If There's Free Content Available Nov 03, 2022

You might wonder why someone would buy something they can get for free, including online courses. But there are some very good reasons people buy online training courses even when they could find the information elsewhere for free. Take advantage of these factors to want to create and sell your...

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5 Secrets For Motivating Employees To Complete Training Nov 02, 2022

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Motivating Employees To Complete Their Training

It’s a common mistake to assume you don’t have to market internal courses to your employees. In reality, motivating employees to complete training is crucial. It is actually more important...

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How to Engage Employees With Mandatory Training in 4 Simple Steps? Nov 02, 2022

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Every company will have its own set of mandatory training programs, but depending on your industry, you might expect to have a lot of it. You can’t opt to skip this type of training because of the need for compliance. However, you can make the...

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How to Use eLearning For Employee Onboarding & Hiring Process Oct 31, 2022

Companies are always looking to streamline their hiring and training processes. You may not realize it, but eLearning for employee onboarding can be a powerful tool. When used correctly, eLearning lets you automate several crucial parts of the hiring process, saving you time and reducing stress...

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How to Create a Great Lead Magnet That Attracts Target Audience Oct 28, 2022

The best way to market your course is via a lead magnet. With a lead magnet, you can create an automated sales funnel and attract learners. But creating a great lead magnet is crucial. We’ve divided the process into three main components, using our MasterClass lead magnet as an...

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LearnWorlds vs Kajabi Comparison: Pricing & Packages, Content Types, Marketing & Sales Features Oct 27, 2022

Our two favorite external e-learning LMSs are Kajabi and LearnWorlds. They are excellent options with overall similar features and functionality but a few key differences. Take a closer look at the features of LearnWorlds vs. Kajabi. 

Pricing and Packages: Kajabi Advantage

If you just look...

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How to Be Confident As an SME (Subject Matter Expert)? Oct 16, 2022

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Whether you want to know how to be a confident presenter when recording your own eLearning videos or need to train your subject matter experts (SMEs) to be confident, we have some good tips for you. Keep these in mind, and you will not only improve your...

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